Sunday, June 8, 2014

No Tomorrow in Nottingham

While I've been trying my best to catch up on my Europe travels, I have also been busy celebrating the end of exams and the semester. One of the biggest events of the post-exam celebrations was the No Tomorrow Festival, which I got to go to yesterday, so I thought I'd better fill you in. This was basically a music festival at Wollaton Park, AKA Wayne Manor AKA home to everyone's favourite caped crusader. With dire weather forecasts and a miserable morning, I approached the afternoon of the festival with some trepidation. As it happens, Nottingham suprised us all with an absolutely stunning afternoon. We had sun the entire time, and no mud so we could lay on the grass and relax. The festival itself was great, with stalls, fairground rides, Pimms and of course a bunch of awesome musical acts. We spent the afternoon and evening dancing along to Jess Glynne, Clean Bandit, Sam Smith and London Grammar (none of whom I'd heard of until arriving in Nottingham). It was especially cool to see London Grammar who actually met at the University of Nottingham. Actually, being excited to see them BECAUSE they came from Nottingham made me realise how much the University feels like a place I would consider a second home. Also, I would thoroughly recommend seeing London Grammar live if you get the chance, as their lead singer sounds even more amazing in real life than she does recorded. All in all it was an amazing day and an epic way to celebrate the start of the break.

(PS cred to Emily White for the last couple of photos, I was a bit slack with taking my own)

1 comment:

  1. Love you ladies drinking Pimms. You didn't bump into David Cameron haha. We have a London Grammar album at home - courtesy of Mike.
