Wednesday, January 15, 2014

An Introduction


If you are reading this, I can only assume one thing. You have realised the emptiness in your own life, and have chosen to fill the void by living vicariously through someone else's travels. Alternatively, you may simply be interested in seeing what I've been up to. Either way, you've come to the right place.

Retrospectively, I should have begun this before my departure, so I could fill you in on all my feelings of anticipation, nervousness and excitement about my impending trip. As it is, I have already arrived and (Spoiler Alert!) I'm loving it. I've already had the chance to explore London, but more on that in future posts because, as the title would suggest, this is really just an introduction.

For the next 6 months I will be spending most of my time at Nottingham University, in more or less the middle of England (at least I have been lead to believe this is the case but, as we will discover, my sense of direction is terrible). So far all I really know about Nottingham is its relation to Robin Hood, and that it is home to the (supposed) oldest pub in England which, let's be real, is all I actually need to know. Also the campus is apparently bee-yoo-ti-ful so expect photos. Aside from my studies, there should hopefully be plenty of travel in the UK and Europe, beginning with two weeks in London (and visits to nearby relatives) before uni starts.

You can expect to hear much more from me in the future (probably), as I embark on what I can only assume will be a great adventure.



  1. I am looking forward to reading more and looking at the photos. What did you do on day 1 in London?

  2. I can't wait to read more - I'm hooked on your adventures...

  3. Love the name! Fully get the reference ;-) plus looking forward to reading about your adventures and correcting your grammar mwa ha ha x
